(Single B-Side)
Album Title (Label/Catalog No.)
Debut Date: Indicates the date the song first charted. Debut dates in color indicate songs that were Hot Shot Debuts (the highest debut of that week).
Peak: The highest chart position attained by the song.
Wks: The number of weeks the song was on the chart. Numbers in color indicate songs that were Power Pick Hits (the biggest-moving song in a week). Underlined numbers indicate multiple-week Power Pick.
Ø An arrow next to the sequence number indicates the artist's biggest hit (for artists charting more than one song). Rank determined by point totals.
Seq: Sequential number, in chronological order, of an artist's songs. Any song notes refer to these numbers.
Title: The title of the charting song. Titles in color indicate Top 10 hits.
Single B-Side/Album Title (Label/Catalog No.): Songs from singles include the additional ("B-side") song title(s) and the label and catalog number for the single. Album cuts do not show a catalog number.
Src: Original recording source (A= Album Cut; C= Cassette Single; P= Promo CD Single; S= CD Single). Songs acquired from digital downloads or professional radio compilation CDs are indicated as Album Cuts, and include the artist's original album title and catalog number.
Debut Order: Chronological indicator (e.g.: 256 indicates the 256th song to debut since the chart began on 8/31/91).
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